Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Molten ego..
Saturday, November 26, 2011
A photowalk at Deer park, Hauzkhas
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
An accidental friend
We both equally appreciated each other’s instinct. Sometimes I choose a turn and he followed suit and at times he would lead me to a terrain of his choice and I gladly abided.
This mutually guided course finally led us to a large stoney riverfront as we descended a foothill. The flowing river had created a bed of white sparkling sand. Polished rocks, maybe brought along by the river, marked the boundary of the beach. I climbed a boulder that was closest to the river and settled myself. Realizing that I am in a mood to relax, the dog joyfully came hopping along and sat alongside me.
The rock provided a beautiful vantage point with an emphasis on nature. A perfect ambience for meditation, I was overwhelmed with thoughts contemplative. I closed my eyes and let loose those intriguing questions that have refused to leave me for a while, hoping this moment would magically bless me with the answers. I expected extraordinary out of each splash of air, I anticipated the sound of the river to tune my life. My past flashed on the canvas of my closed eyes. It was occasionally substituted by the spurts of my expectation from the future.
I only grew tense, definitely not what I expected.
I opened my eyes. the dog was still beside me, by now asleep with his body leaning towards my thigh. While I have been trying too hard all this while, he was just enjoying the moment. While I was trying to analyze, explain, find, explore and what not, he was… he was not doing anything at all. While I was busy with past and future, he was engulfed in the present.
And at this very magical moment, I got all my answers.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Passage to light
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Rishikesh... Journey is my destination
As I folded my jeans and planted my feet into the shallow cold waters of the Ganges, it sparked a rush of blood upwards into my body tantalizing the dogmas that I carry within.
A positive start, I was sure.
I was traveling once again to the holy town of Rishikesh, seeking much needed peace and solace from the hustle of my hurried life. I do that often, grabbing any slightest opportunity that I get to go there. Rishikesh has been one of the most calming and inspirational places I have ever visited. Vividly joyous yet deep rooted in its day-to-day life, that place teaches me something new every time I go there.
I had a booking for a weekend stay at one of the ashrams in the Ramjhula locality. Situated on the banks of Ganges and overlooking a giant Shiva statue, the view from the ashram was magical. Faint sounds of rippling river from one direction and rhythmic chants of the yogis from the other, kept me enchanted throughout my stay. Once we cross the river, there’s this half a mile walking stretch towards the ashram. Surrounded by few of the funkiest (menu wise) cafes and fine bookshops, a walk through this stretch any time of the day is a pleasant experience in itself.
However, this isn’t a travelogue. The words that will come ahead describe a snapshot from my trip. It’s a photograph, a still image out of my travel.
Little did I think that it would all narrow down to this one particular moment. The moment, right now, when with folded jeans and feet submerged in the river, I am experiencing one of the most cognizant and realizing instance of my life.
I was actually jealous of the river. The coursing water was gleaming in the sunset. The flow was full of pride and why not, for the awareness of source and destination was reflected in every drop of twinkling water. Did she not know that sooner her existence is about to perish into the vast sea? I reckon that she did, but the very joy of the present moment superseded the premonitions. And that’s what made me more envious of her. She seemed to be completely ignorant of the future and too engrossed in playing with fading sunlight and people over the shore.
I noticed a bunch of rapids at the far end of the stream. The river was perhaps laughing at my confusion.
A meager identity as compared to the mighty river, it was best for me to surrender myself in order to find those answers. I pleaded within myself, “Help me to be like you!”
The river kept flowing and didn’t respond or did it?
I melted further into the river determined not to leave without a answer. A gush of wind passed over that place. The wind, moving downstream, paced the flow of water for a moment, sort of emphasizing the flow. Quite elegantly, the river had actually communicated to me its secret, it was the FLOW.
And then the river talked…
“I originate from a source hidden deep within the valleys. Although in oblivion, that narrow dull glacier is the source of all my charm. Thumping into difficult terrain, crashing onto stones, I get the liberty of letting out myself only once I flow into plains. I rise if the road is narrow, I expand otherwise. All the while, religiously I keep flowing.
At your point of view, I flow towards the ocean. This is ignorance on your part. The truth is, I JUST FLOW.
At your point of view, my destination is the ocean. This is again ignorance. My friend! The truth is, JOURNEY IS MY DESTINATION.
Just like me, you have a source hidden deep within yourself. Your outer self, the body and the senses make the river and its branches. Connect with your source and let the river flow. Celebrate the numerous blessings that are bestowed upon you while you flow. And as you plunge into the vast sea of death, don’t be dejected, for the life cycle will repeat itself. The soul rises to the heavens simply to pour down again. The rain would liven up the river again.”
Sipping my evening tea at the Office, a café near the ashram, I could not avoid contemplating about this encounter with the Ganges that I had earlier. It was a deep insight that I gained that day. I sneaked into the balcony of the café to have the view of the river, and to thank her personally. I was gazing at the river, when its flow created a engaging illusion. It was as if the river was still and I, together with my bit of earth, is flowing at its pace.
I can be the river; I just need a change in point of view.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I am the Ocean... I am the wave

Monday, April 11, 2011
The girl with the tattoo...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
ये शोर का शहर है।
कितनी तेज भाग रही है ज़िंदगी...
किसी तरफ तो ज़रूर जा रही होगी?
या शायद सिर्फ गोल घूमे जा रही है।
इस भागम भाग में पीछे छूट गया बेचारा सच।
अटल, अडिग और गहरा कहलाने वाला,
क्या अपने ही खूबियों का मारा है ये सच?
सच को ज्यादा ही भरोसा था खुद पे,
उसे भनक भी नहीं लगी और रंग बिरंगे
गुब्बारे नुमा झूठ ने उसे मात दे दी।
अब ये करे भी तो क्या बेचारा,
वो हवा भरे गुब्बारे फुर्र कर के उड़ गए...
ये टीका रहा, सिद्धांतों वाला जो ठहरा।
पर हम कैसे इन गुब्बारों से बहल गए?
माना ये रंगीन हैं, लेकिन अंदर से खोखले।
ये एक दिन सीकुड़ेंगे, हम रोते रह जाएंगे।
हमें थमना होगा, ज़रूरत पड़े तो पीछे मुड़ना होगा।
सच ने हमारा साथ खूब दिया।
अब उसे ज़रूरत है, तो हमें सहारा बनना होगा।
सच का साथ मत छोड़ ओ हमराही।
वो हमारा ही हिस्सा है, हम उसी के टुकड़े है।
Monday, February 21, 2011
The painted Stork

"Hey Mister! I ain't no ordinary bird. I am painted Stork. Don't you know that? Springs on the corner and its breeding high time besides thousands of humans are flocking to see us. You should be grateful that I am posing for you. A shallow smile.. that's it."

"Thats enough dude! Sorry no more pics please. I have to rush back to my nest and feed my family. Yeah.. do mail me the pics. You got my email id naa ?"

"Hey!!! No photos of my family. Privacy invasion!!!! rings any bell?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Butterflies files..
Monday, February 14, 2011
शायद मुझे चलना चाहिए।
फिज़ाओं ने सुन ली हो जैसे, किसी के दिल की खवाहिश।।
हैं अगर आज इतनी ही मेहरबानियाँ, तो ज़रा हमारी भी सुन ले।
कबसे है उम्मीद को लगाए बैठे, कोई हमें भी गले लगा ले।।
सरसराती हवा किसी की खुशबू लायी है, जब ढूंडा तो कोई नहीं।
घूम फिर के ये रात फिर आई है, पर मैं अकेला खड़ा वहीं।।
शायद मुझे चलना चाहिए, उम्मीद की गाड़ी पे भटकना चाहिए।
बहुत हो रखा इंतज़ार, अब इम्तेहान से गुजरना चाहिए।।
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
12 months.. 12 journeys..12 stories

This world is all a mist,
a decorative veiling of the true.
Release the inhibitions from your fist,
a silent witness is waiting for you.

for far away... I see that beam of light,
my virgin hope to end all the sorrow.
This flash is the vigor of my flight,
hermit inspiration for a bright tomorrow.

Every morning, it breaks through the window.
Spreads on the floor like a welcome mat.
Sets the air to the temperature of hope.
That light is the essence of life.

Awareness is the only end,
my license to be free.
Neither enemies nor friends,
I believe only what I see.
As light fades away and fear gets the crowning,
and as you get engaged by thoughts gruesome and odd.
don't you forget...
with every sunset comes a promise of morning,
the light is the savior and language of God.
Blood as the fuel…
and eyes as the glass;
With my heart on fire…
I am a lamp of my own class.

journey as my destination ...
and universe as force,
that candle on the water ...
is my guiding source.

I absorb all hatred and blame,
willingly giving love and praise instead.
who am I ?
Nature is my name,
that drop of light is my bread.

Dressed in darkness are doubt and fear,
but this time… I wont fall to their bait.
brightly lit and always near,
I have with me… a divine lamp called faith.

This pleasure is but a flicker.
Flickers distract, that’s all they do.
Close your eyes to see the light,
the light that is YOU.
Ignorance, suffering and desire..
the devils that blur my goal.
Awareness is my new attire..
enlightenment shines my soul.
Beyond this gate are Air, Water,Sky and Earth...
such a beautiful view, certainly lots to admire.
The wind calls my name, to all its worth...
pledging me to crossover, and be the missing Fire.