Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Molten ego..

The mind has become a pond of molten ego. Senses have to drench in it before they reach conscious. The soul dissolves in this liquid leaving merely skin and bones.
This ego distorts reality just like the twigs get reflected on a current.

Let the heat of love dry it up.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

A photowalk at Deer park, Hauzkhas

The park had sense of virginity in it. An unused, raw ambiance that distinctively differentiated it from other popular green belts of Delhi. Of course one of the welcome difference is a huge lake in the premises.

Keeping the trend.. there were couples scattered all around the park.... I secretly clicked few of them :-)

And then there were loners...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

An accidental friend

I picked up my camera bag and started walking. The idea was to trek along the direction of the river and find a secluded river front all for my own. However, as I footslogged I realized I was not alone, a pet dog from the place where I was camping decided to walk along with me. He followed me throughout my undirected expedition. Once in a while he would overtake me and sprint along a path of his choice, and then as if realising his extent, he would turn back to see whether I was following.

We both equally appreciated each other’s instinct. Sometimes I choose a turn and he followed suit and at times he would lead me to a terrain of his choice and I gladly abided.

This mutually guided course finally led us to a large stoney riverfront as we descended a foothill. The flowing river had created a bed of white sparkling sand. Polished rocks, maybe brought along by the river, marked the boundary of the beach. I climbed a boulder that was closest to the river and settled myself. Realizing that I am in a mood to relax, the dog joyfully came hopping along and sat alongside me.

The rock provided a beautiful vantage point with an emphasis on nature. A perfect ambience for meditation, I was overwhelmed with thoughts contemplative. I closed my eyes and let loose those intriguing questions that have refused to leave me for a while, hoping this moment would magically bless me with the answers. I expected extraordinary out of each splash of air, I anticipated the sound of the river to tune my life. My past flashed on the canvas of my closed eyes. It was occasionally substituted by the spurts of my expectation from the future.

I only grew tense, definitely not what I expected.

I opened my eyes. the dog was still beside me, by now asleep with his body leaning towards my thigh. While I have been trying too hard all this while, he was just enjoying the moment. While I was trying to analyze, explain, find, explore and what not, he was… he was not doing anything at all. While I was busy with past and future, he was engulfed in the present.

And at this very magical moment, I got all my answers.